Lunes, Mayo 29, 2017

Introduction to Philippine Mythology Guide

When people hear the words “Philippine Mythology”, there are a lot of things that comes into their mind. Usually, they were just bunch non complimentary words such as scary, infamous, horrors, polytheistic rituals and others. That’s probably because what they knew is all about aswangs, Bathala, superstitions and some childhood stories that your mother tells you to scare you and stop you from not sleeping early at night. Well, Philippine Mythology is actually more than that. There are wonderful stories in this mythology, which were collected and created myths. So basically, Philippine Mythology is a collection of stories from different places. Things like ancient Philippine deities, creatures and other significant tales that I think you need to know, I think I have to tackle that here.

Nowadays, as what I mentioned, people don’t recognize much of these myths anymore, especially the youths. Technically because our country is Christianized already and many people don’t believe in many false gods anymore. My purpose of writing this guide blog is not for people to believe in these ancient gods or whatever. Instead, I want people to appreciate our own mythology. These stories we have that our forefather gave us is a gift, and so we must learn to give them gratitude through keeping the Philippine Mythology alive even in the modern world. Just like when we read stories, we don’t really see the plot for real, but rather we use them for us to understand and reflect on it; similar with recognizing our mythology.

Philippine Mythology is an art itself, and arts deserve to be known.

Back to the country’s mythology, according to various sources, the Philippine Mythology attempts to explain the nature of the world through the live actions of the gods, goddesses, heroes and mythological creatures. That’s literally the most common definition, even for other mythologies. Fair enough to say that Philippines have its own. It's not just the other countries out there have those gods and heroes and monsters, but also us. And that makes our mythology more interesting to know.

Besides that, almost everyone knows the Greek Mythology too well, as well as the Roman and Norse. Thing is, shouldn’t we be curious of what our country also ave? Our mythology is kept, buried deep, waiting to be dug and be opened for us. And that’s what we’re going to do, someway somehow. I apologize for my lack of competency in choosing the right words. I assure you though, you’ll get something.

I also wanted to quote this line from another blogger named Luzviminda Philippines: 
As proud Filipino, I could definitely say that the stories we are presenting to you are samples of the little pearls of wisdom and tradition that lies in our humble and culturally diverse country, the Philippines.
For you, dear bloggers, I wish you keep on track with this blog. I’d love to share as much as I can, especially for Philippine Mythology. 

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